What is this?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Treasure Hunt

Day 7 - A picture of your most treasured item

Dictionary.com :Treasure
Any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized.  

With the definition above I first think about the many gifts I have received that left me feeling honored to have and of course my salvation and having the Holy Spirit in me is something that is greatly valued.When trying to answer this, I thought about the things in my house that might be something I treasure, but could not really think of anything in particular. It was not until I looked at my left hand and realized I was wearing something symbolic to someone I treasured. I love my wedding ring and the man who gave it to me. I am so blessed and  grateful to be married to my best friend. 

 P.S.- Really excited about starting a new collection of blue mason jars! I got my first one yesterday!!!

 I guest these can be called hidden treasures because they are fun to find.



  1. wow, I've never seen a blue one! That is beautiful. You are very mature and wise in this post.

  2. I will have to be on the lookout for these...they ARE pretty!
